Tuesday, November 4, 2008


First "black" president?!

Give me a break!
"We are in a recession!" People are losing jobs, their homes, their savings, and their trust in the U.S. government...and people are concerned about the "first black president"??

Then the media's headlines are concentrating on Obama being the first "black" president??

Who cares??!!

What is he going to do for us to make this a better place to live?
I say this for any president.

I would get reprimanded, yelled at, possibly fired, or get into a fight if I were to call an "African American" black!

I once had a "black" woman ask me where I was from. I said Los Angeles. She asked me what country my last name is from. I said I am "German American".
She said I can't say that because I'm not from Germany.
She said she's "African American" because her ancestors were from Africa.
Damn!! I told her I'm more German than she is African!!
She called me a racist! A racist?? A racist calls me a racist??!!

When I applied for the LAPD, I was told I can't go forward because they weren't hiring "white males"!! Well...F*** you!!

People with this arrogance don't belong here. Get a life, move on.

I have just as many rights as anyone else in this country, I don't care what damn color anyone is.
Citizens of the U.S. need to get their thumbs out of their mouths, grow up, and act like human beings!

We have lost our technologies to other countries, all do to corporate greed, government bureaucracy, and plain 'ol stupidity.

If change doesn't happen soon, there will be no turning back.


Anonymous said...

Apparently you don't know much about U.S. history. It is a very remarkable thing that a black man has been elected president, considering black people couldn't drink out of the same fountains or use the same bathrooms as whites only 35 years ago.

Unknown said...

I know enough about the U.S. History. Unlike a lot of idiots I have met or emailed me, I am educated.

That's not my point. Why should it be so important that he's the first "black" president when our economy has turned to crap? People are concerned about this and are excited that he is following Lincoln's trail, etc; then are skirting more important issues!

If Clinton became president, the same thing would have happened about her being the first female president. So what?!

I don't care if the president was the first squirrel, as long as he/she fixed this place and made a difference!